
Researchers led by our SPARKee Ulrike Stein of the ECRC and Robert Preißner of Charité report in "Clinical and Translational Medicine" that statins inhibit a gene that promotes cancer cell metastasis.

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NeuroCure grants funding extension to the four NeuroCure/SPARK-BIH teams for an additional year.

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Our SPARKees Simone Spuler und Verena Schöwel present their startup MyoPax in Frank Thelen's Podcast Startup-DNA.

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The Charité Spin-off BODYCLOCK Technologies by Prof. Dr. Achim Kramer developed a diagnostic assay to assess the circadian clock. The project has previously been supported by SPARK-BIH and BIH Digital Health Accelerator.

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SPARK Europe has joint forces for education on translational research and technology transfer! For the third time, European SPARK sites will host a joint webinar series during spring 2022.

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SPARK-BIH and the Stiftung Charité celebrated the end of its I4H Pilot Program with a final I4H Pitch Event on December 13.

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SPARK-BIH, MDC and Bayer hosted the first joint Berlin Science Slam to strengthened local collaboration with short presentations and the exchange of young scientists.

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SPARK-BIH and DHA presented their health innovation programs during the Danish state visit at the Charité

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The Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin provides a new program, tailored to the needs of early career researchers, who are interested to explore problem-solving tools beyond science and potentially translate their ideas into ‘the real world’.

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In October 2021, Dr. Tanja Rosenmund, head of SPARK-BIH, together with her team welcomed 10 new projects to the SPARK-BIH program. She and her team are excited to support the new SPARKees to translate their innovation from bench to bedside.

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SPARK-BIH is a member of the SPARK Global network