SPARK Europe Webinar Series: "Regulation, do we really need it?"

In this SPARK Europe Webinar, Dr. Ilana Schumacher, experienced Quality Assurance and Analytical specialist in pharmaceuticals, medical devices and combination products, will walk us through some acronyms, such as ICH, GMP, USP, API, QA/QC and some of the basic regulatory terms such as risk management, analytics, validation, specifications, impurities, stability and packaging.

The webinar is open to all interested staff and students from SPARK associated organizations.


Why are there so many various laws, rules standards, directives and guidelines? Do we really need all this regulation and what could really go wrong if we didn’t?

Dr. Ilana Schumacher is a pharmacist, graduated from the Hebrew University’s school of Pharmacy and obtained her MSc and PhD degrees in Biochemistry and MHA. She retired from IDF after 26 years of service in the Medical Forces, serving as a clinical pharmacist in Sheba Medical Center and as a Head of the Research and Quality Control Laboratory. She then worked as a QA and project manager in a startup company, setting up, implementing and managing quality procedures, successfully preparing the company for regulatory audit.

During the last eight years, Ilana has provided consulting services, CMC as well as internal and external audits. Furthermore, she regularly contributes to community education in health care management and rational use of pharmaceuticals.


Please register here!

Registration to the webinar is required in advance. Please register latest on April 6th, 2021. Later registrations’ access cannot be guaranteed.There are limited number of places available and they will be filled in the order of registration.

If you face problems with the registration link, please use the direct link:

The webinar is open to all SPARKees, SPARK mentors, and students and staff of SPARK associated organizations. It is organized by SPARK Tel Aviv.



The webinar series will be organized by the different SPARK sites from all over Europe including Israel: SPARK-BIH, SPARK Finland, SPARK FLI in Jena, SPARK Poland and SPARK Tel Aviv. The series takes advantage of the collective expertise and experiences from top-quality speakers and will cover topics from design thinking to challenges in selling complex high-tech products. The online webinar series takes place twice per month on Wednesday at 16:00 - 17:00 CET.

SPARK-BIH is a member of the SPARK Global network